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The best way to view paintings on this site are within the digital exhibitions you can see in the top navigation bar, as they include text stories to go with the paintings and show you the whole piece instead of just a thumbnail. To see a painting in the exhibition, you can click on the exhibition's title as the paintings here are sorted by exhibition.
If you are interested in buying any of my paintings, you shouldn't hesitate to contact me! The paintings marked with 🔴 have been sold already, sorry.
An Irish Airman Forsees his Death
Aodh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
By Garavogue River
🔴 Coole Park and Ballylee
🔴 Cú Chulainn's Fight with the Sea
🔴 Down by the Salley Gardens
🔴 Easter 1916
🔴 Red Hanrahan's Song of Ireland
🔴 The Cat & The Moon
The Fiddler of Dooney
🔴 The Golden Apple of the Sun
🔴 The Hosting of the Sidhe
🔴 The Hand of Heart's Desire / From Celtic Twilight
🔴 The Ragged Wood
🔴The Silver Apple of the Moon
🔴The Stolen Child
The Wild Swans at Coole
Tribute to the Exiles
When You are Old
An Autumn Stroll
Autumn Morning Mournes
🔴 Below Trassey Bridge
From Hare's Gap
From Slieve Lough Shannagh
Misty Morning
Mournes at Spring Ploughing Time
Mournes from Dromena
Mournes from Monescalp Road
Mournes Near Hilltown
Narrow Water Castle
On the Road to Hare's Gap
Shady Lane
Slieve Martin
Trassey Bridge
Tulleymore Forest Fire
View from Fladstaff
A Well-Earned Cuppa
🔴 Bringing Home the Catch
Clipping the Sheep
Collecting the Eggs
Feeding the Chicks
Feeding the Hens
Gathering the Spuds
Learning to Plough
Looking for New Lambs
Making the Stacks 1
Making the Stacks 2
Milking Daisy
New Shoes from the Blacksmith
Ready for Fodder
Saving the Turf
The Horse and Cart
Threshing Day
🔴 Portrait of John B
🔴 Portrait of John M
🔴 Portrait of John Mc C
🔴 Portrait of Martin
🔴 Portrait of Paul H
Portrait of Rebecca
🔴 Portrait of Séamus
🔴 Portrait of Stevie
Belfast Skyline 1
Belfast Skyline 2
🔴 Belfast Skyline 3
A Sea Dream
A Stone of the Heart
In the Seven Woods
One Nation
Red Hanrahan's Song About Ireland
The Golden Apples of the Sun
The Rose of the World
The Second Coming
The Silver Apples of the Moon
The White Birds