Skylines of Belfast
These three pastel pieces were painted for the Annual Exhibition of the Ulster Society of Women Artists in August 2019
Belfast Skyline I: I have always been attracted to cloud patterns and this dramatic sky was the inspiration which brought all three artworks into being. because once I painted the first one I decided it should be a series for the exhibition!
Belfast Skyline II: This piece won the 1st Prize Duchess of Abercorn Award at our USWA Annual Exhibition in Crumlin Gaol in August 2019!
Belfast Skyline III: This was the first piece of the whole exhibition to sell on the night! When we arrived to set up the food and drinks table, another artist tapped me on the shoulder, smiled, and said "Congratulations, Kay, your Belfast Skyline II has already been sold this afternoon!"
Exhibitions Navigation:
Olden Days ←Skylines of Belfast→Come Away (2016)